Friday, December 7, 2007

A leader not for me

If the years had not so past
With compelling speed not to last
Land of my birth perhaps I'd leave
For no longer a country to believe
God fearing folk now create the stage
And seek America to God engage

I dwell this land I no longer know
Cause red states abide and I am the foe
For church and state seek they combine
And woe to us who not accept divine
Hypocrisy is the reigning force
As seek us down disastrous course

America's leader they seek to choose
And all such as us can only lose
I travel this land no longer sanguine'd
And welcoming not to those of my kind
From other lands I would beckon the call
Canada, Sweden, Denmark again stand tall

To think so well and live with ease
And without concern their God to please
For if evil exists as they have writ
Ti's created by they, the hypocrite

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