Thursday, December 6, 2007

Love to Know

Oh wondrous lady what a spell you cast
Just a glimmer of you and warmth to last
Your beauty alights thy being as soft light
To render exquisite joy to my mind's sight

And lo an inspiration to the the bards of old
They would sing your praises and truth be told
Content happy me by words I seek to console
Though aged brain contrives to deny the role

It will keep not pleasure and joy to my soul
Through great endeavor happily pay the toll
The fog is gone but perchance just for now
So speak I must for future may not endow

Time and thought and words perhaps not there
Oh short cursed time and thought hard to bear
But my heart is grateful with joy so rare
To be able to find words with none to compare

For in my time I have been given to know
A smile and word that love can bestow

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